Hi Erich,
>> I understand your proposal, but it doesn't work reliable. The reason is
>>  that other packages explicitly include specific files in those
>> directories. Adding a rule in etc.local to include all files could
>> confuse the backup logic.
> I can understand this, although scheduling a file/directory twice for
> backup should definitely _not_ confuse the backup logic. What if someone
> erroneously places something in local.local which is already backed up by
> a specific package.local. Will this confuse the backup logic? If so, then
> I consider this a bug, as adding anything in local.local is
> legitimate :-(
> Of course I could not resist to test this, and added etc/network to
> local.local, here is the result
> gatekeeper# tar tzf /CF/gatekeep.lrp | grep network
> etc/network/handle_routes etc/network/if-down.d/del_routes
> etc/network/if-up.d/add_routes etc/network/interfaces etc/network/routes
> This actully looks pretty OK to me, modifying etc.local accordingly
> yields
> gatekeeper# tar tzf /CF/gatekeep.lrp | grep network
> etc/network/handle_routes etc/network/if-down.d/del_routes
> etc/network/if-up.d/add_routes etc/network/interfaces etc/network/routes
> and having it in both files
> gatekeeper# tar tzf /CF/gatekeep.lrp | grep network
> etc/network/handle_routes etc/network/if-down.d/del_routes
> etc/network/if-up.d/add_routes etc/network/interfaces etc/network/routes
> So apparently with a pretty recent config package the proposed change
> does not break functionality.
The "problem" is that the sha1sums are calculated multiple times, it
should work but gives some overhead and is not very clean. The config
system is designed to explicitly list files you want to backup and only
use directories if you are sure only a specific package uses it. See also
the following document: http://leaf.sourceforge.net/doc/buci-apkg3.html

>> A better way is to include those files in local.local (local.lrp),
>> that's where that package is meant for. Or to have a specific package
>> with the added files and a .local file.
> That is the way I do it right now, my local.local file is constantly
> growing though.
Or just add the etc/network to local.local

> cheers
> Erich


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