on 19.06.2011 17:31, Andrew wrote:
> 19.06.2011 17:20, Erich Titl пишет:
>> Hi Andrew
>> on 19.06.2011 16:01, Andrew wrote:
>>> 19.06.2011 16:48, Erich Titl пишет:
>> ...

> Removing staging/i486-pc-linux-uclibc (and possible i486-* in 
> staging/bin) doesn't help for you?

Maybe it would, just that this is not clear at the moment, as buildtool
is fouled up and requires many hours of recompile, hardly what I would
call a seamless operation.

>> Again, very frustrating. We need an environment which does not have to
>> be rebuilt just because the kernel has changed.
>> - a stable compile environment is mandatory
>> - stable libraries (uClibc)
>> - dependencies must be obeyed, e.g. dependencies of libraries from the
>> kernel
>> Maybe these are all legacy issues, still IMHO not acceptable and maybe
>> this is the reason why we have so little contribution.
> Toolchain and buildtool needs a lot of work - now toolchain is slightly 
> modified variant of 3.x branch (just updated and with small patches), 
> with a lot of ugly hacks and magic tricks. This will be rewritten - but 
> some later, now I haven't enough time (it may require 1-2 weeks).

Maybe there is place for discussion in this area. I would like to see
much of all those perl dirty tricks disappear altogether.

>> As to GIT, what is the easiest way to avoid conflicting changes in the
>> repository? Creating a local branch of main/master.... whatever? Who
>> does the merge and resolves conflicts?
> Conflicts are resolved better than in CVS - GIT doesn't allow you to 
> overwrite file modified by somebody else. 

But sometimes this is the goal.

And merge is automatically
> done if you

Right, but that is not alway what one wants.

>> How can we, for example, have most packages in the main branch and a few
>> in another, then create objects from both?
> New branch is based on main branch (or other remote/local branch). So if 
> there are changes in main branch - you can do rebase for your local 
> branch, to import changes into your branch.

So if I just create a branch, what will be contained in that branch and
how is it synchronized to the rest of the tree. How do I just touch a
single component and still get all the updates from others in the game,
while not working in the same branch anymore? The whole concept is
really different from all the other versioning tools I have seen and
that includes SCCS, RCS, CVS and SVC. I am under the impression to have
completely lost control about the versioning tool, instead of gaining
control over the project.

How is the integration of git into make? Can we automatically get a file
out of GIT to resolve a 'make dependency' or is this not needed at all?
A bit off topic, I know, but there are just holes in my conception, but
then I never saw any of such errors in the ancient versioning control
systems as I have seen in the last few weeks.



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