Hi Yves

at 07.10.2012 19:08, Yves Blusseau wrote:
>> Note that the snapshot pointed to by the final commit you end up with,
>> whether it’s the last of the rebased commits for a rebase or the final
>> merge commit after a merge, is the same snapshot — it’s only the history
>> that is different. Rebasing replays changes from one line of work onto
>> another in the order they were introduced, whereas merging takes the
>> endpoints and merges them together.
> The problem is that we don't maintain minor version of a bering-uClibc 
> series: 4.2, 4.3, etc…
> So for you problem you are invite to upgrade to 4.3.1 to have the new 
> functionality :D

Do we need to _maintain_ them or is GIT just the tool to do it. Very
definitely GIT allows rewinding to a certain tag and also allows working
on that rewound version. If I understand the concept of GIT, then it
also allows merging the modified code at a later point in time.

To make my point, the system I am moving to is in a productive
environment, where I don't want to install a maintenance release, be it
better or not, because it is a moving target. I would call 4.3.x a minor
release, as opposed to 4.3

I would love to see something like BuC.whatever (stable)



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