Hi Yves

at 18.10.2012 09:54, Yves Blusseau wrote:
> Le 18/10/2012 00:11, Erich Titl a écrit :
>> Jeeeeez, it's a no brainer. Much too complicated. Somehow I don't like
>> the idea of remoe branches, clutters up the site like hell.
> Remote topic branches are only temporary branches: they are deleted when 
> merged into integrated branch.
>> I will rebase my workspace to see how it looks, if you like it I can
>> push, if not, what the heck, I can always keep my local branch.
>> commit 1b79f2267155238e19a537becb342861d4b54f35
>> Author: mega<erich.t...@think.ch>
>> Date:   Wed Oct 17 23:54:20 2012 +0200
>>      This is a bug/feature change for OpenSwan on BuC 4.x
>>      1) it introduces openswan-2.6.38-android-ics-natoa.patch
>>         which is necessary to allow android 4.x devices
>>         to connect using the on board  ipsec/l2tp implementation
>>         to interact with OpenSwan
>>      2) it implements the above with the standard leaf 4.x
>>         build environment by
>>         * introducing a dependency between kmodules and openswan
>>         * adding code in the makefile
>>         * adding the patch to the buildenv config
>>      3) it fixes a bug in the makefile depending on parameters in
>>         the environment which are not passed in the srcclean
>>         implementation
> Great commit message :D
> IMHO just one thing do not speak about buc 4.x because your patch will 
> be merge into buc5.x too and your patches are not specific for Buc4.x 
> series.
> So the:
>   1) is good: nothing to be changed
>   2) - about the dependency who depend of what ?

I hoped that was clear, kmodules must depend on openswan.

>       - adding code in the makefile: don't add this sentence. We can see 
> that the makefile is changed when looking the patch. Only add a 
> paragraph to explain why and what you've changed something (if it's 
> neccessary to understand the patch)
>       - adding the patch to the buildenv config: likewise: not necessary

> 3) is good

How can I rewrite the commit message in my openswan branch?

>> mega@luna:~/leaf/devel/leaf.new/bering-uclibc>  git checkout maint
>> Switched to branch 'maint'
>> Your branch is behind 'origin/maint' by 1 commit, and can be fast-forwarded.
>> mega@luna:~/leaf/devel/leaf.new/bering-uclibc>  git rebase openswan
>> First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
>> Fast-forwarded maint to openswan.
> Wrong command ! you rebase the wrong branch. You have rebase maint from 
> openswan !
> The right command will be:
> git checkout openswan
> git rebase maint


OK, so now I blew up all my work because of a revert in openswan branch,
bloody stupid GIT. It deletes files when reverting a commit instead of
setting back to the position where the files have been added.

I will have to start from scratch which is really not big fun (and I am
not amused)



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