I don't remember the details of your setup from your prior postings, and you tell us too little here to get good advice. I make some very basic comments below.

I am assuming that the Dach router is NAT'ing a single IP address, either with or without a separate DMZ. If you have multiple, routable IP addresses available, then the routing problem is trivial, so I ignore that possibility.

At 03:47 PM 6/5/2003 -0700, Chris Low wrote:
This list was a great help when I was trying to get a Dachstein firewall up and running a few months ago. Now I've got another question I'm hoping can be solved here.

We're thinking of ways to run a second email server for a different division in our company in addition to our main Exchange 2K server. This second server would only host email for people in the field who need webmail service, nothing else so we want to keep it separate from the main server.

"host email" is too vague to tell me what traffic has to go to this server. Please be more descriptive.

1) Can Dachstein be set up to take in traffic for both and then route it correctly?

With only one IP address available, any particular port can only be forwarded to one host. So if this second server needs to run any services that duplicate what the first server already does, they will have to run (at least to the world outside the router) on non-standard ports. This is not undoable, especially if the server needs to be accessible only to your field staff, but the details will depend on exactly what services the second mail server needs to offer.

2) What are some options to set this up?

3) what else do I need to think about?

Can't really answer these until I better understand the requirements.

FYI here's our setup:
ISP takes care of MX records then routes the email to us.

This is unclear. Your MX record seems to indicate that mail addresses to [EMAIL PROTECTED] actually gets directed to the server staffofhope.org (, with mail.staffofhope.org a phony backup to it (phony because it resolves to the same IP address).

T-1 line hits a router provided by them then sends port 25 traffic to the Dac firewall.
The Dac firewall is set to port forward it on to our Exchange server.

Probably what will need to happen is that all incoming mail will still need to go to a single mail server, which for now I'll assume will continue to be the Exchange server. That server will forward incoming mail for your field workers to the new server. There they will get it however you set up (Web interface, I gather).

If they need to be able to **send** mail fro the field through your site ... well, the second server can probably be set up to handle that ... either run an SMTP server on a non-standard port (but authentication will still be tricky), or have them access the server over a VPN tunnel, or ... well, I'm not sure what the other possibilities are offhand.

The second email server doesn't need to run Exchange so please make reccommendations on that as well.

Unless it will be a Linux server, I doubt you can get much advice here. Even on Linux, we're not a bunch of e-mail experts ... I imagine we all run one of the standard SMTP servers (sendmail or exim, mostly).

If you need any more info to help just ask.

See above.

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