On Tue, 3 Jun 2003, Lynn Avants wrote:

> On Monday 02 June 2003 08:02 pm, Nicolas Riendeau wrote:
> > I was wondering if there is any known issues in Bering (V1.1) and/or the
> > Shorewall that came with (1.3.?) that might cause it to temporarily stop
> > forwarding a port...
> Not that I am aware of.

Insufficient memory can cause packets to be dropped.  I started out (long
before Bering) with an 8MB 486 with a ppp dialup, and it used to stop
responding to console input occasionally as well as not accepting new
connections, and would unfreeze after awhile.  I correlated the freezes
with heavy traffic. (I also recommend at least 16MB now.)  Some gaming
applications create many udp connections that exacerbate the memory
problems by filling memory up with connection tracking data even when you
think you have enough.

Also note that tmpfs and kernel buffer memory may be in competition for
the same RAM in small memory configurations.

On an unrelated but similar topic, coming from the inside now with
Bering, dnscache performs poorly when the upstream pipe is clogged,
leading to "host not found" errors when surfing the web.  If I wait long
enough before refreshing the browser, dnscache will eventually complete
the lookup, and the browser will (slowly) get the web page.  In this case
memory is okay but available bandwidth is low leading to timeouts.

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
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Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
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