Mike Koceja wrote:
Thanks Jeff! I repartitioned the drive to 512 and it
is now up and running great. With one exception... I
need to setup VPN. I believe I need to setup IPSec. I
did use the kernel with IPSec compiled into it. I also
downloaded and copied ifconfig.lrp, ipsec.lrp,
ipsec509.lrp, and mawk.lrp to the hard drive but I'm
not sure how to configure them. How do I activate
these files and how should I configure them? I hope
someone can help me out this is the last thing I need
to get working on my router.

You "activate" these files by either adding them to your LRP= part of the kernel command line in syslinux.cfg (subject to a 256 character limit for all kernel parameters), or you can create a lrpkg.cfg file in the root directory of the hard drive with the names of all packages you want to load. See the DachsteinCD readme for details on using this file.

Charles Steinkuehler

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