On Monday 09 June 2003 07:22 pm, Jeff Newmiller wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Jun 2003, Lynn Avants wrote:
> > That *is* the difference between embedded and non-embedded. Embedded runs
> > from a ramdisk and non-embedded runs from a non-RAM disk.  ;)
> I beg to differ.  There is no direct linkage between "embedded" and
> "ramdisk".  Personally, I think it is easier to work with a ramdisk root,
> but there are certainly advantages to having a flash disk root in the
> "embedded" domain.

I can't necessarily argue with that. There is hardware and software embedding,
while no clear definition of 'embedding' itself. What I personally consider
an 'embedded OS' *is* running '/' in ramdisk, but that is only my 2 cents.

> > As I said before, LEAF is not designed to run with the '/' filesystem on
> > any media other than ramdisk... which is *exactly* what you are
> > attempting to do.
> This is very true, but I would not presume to suggest that this would
> be true for all future LEAF variants.
> However, if someone chooses to set up a distro that does not use a ramdisk
> as root, it will not resemble any of the current LEAF variants.  That will
> mean that support for it on this email list may not be very practical
> because it would differ so much from the normal LEAF variants. So if they
> remained part of the LEAF alliance, they would probably need a more
> specialized mailing list.

Very true again, but this does not exist right now and there isn't a simple
way of running '/' from a physical drive unless you want to go through the
boot core and make the appropiate changes that is not a simple process or
well-documented (if documentation to do so even exists). 
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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