Le Mardi 10 Juin 2003 19:11, Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio a écrit :
> Hi, How are you doing?
>  Let´s see if you can help me out here.
> I am trying to use a package called atmtools.lrp
> that you can find at this address
> http://leaf.sourceforge.net/devel/jnilo/testing/atmtools.lrp
>   I am using this package because I am trying to use
> an ATM NIC card
> (ForeRunner ATM Adapter), but I am having some
> problems that maybe you can help me with.
> 1) First I install the module to control the atm Nic
> called "nicstar.o", which
> I have downloaded from the leaf modules website. But
> once I have this module installed,
> sometimes it gives me error, sometimes it doesn´t. But
> most of the time
> is does and it gives me this error:
> #insmod nicstar.o
> Using /lib/modules/nicstar.o
> insmod: unresolved symbol idt77105_stop
> insmod: unresolved symbol idt77105_init
A look in the modules.dep file would have tell you that nicstar.o depends on
So load idt77105.o before nicstar.o

modules.dep file is here:
>  Another thing is that the command Ifconfig doesn´t
> work (It says "ifconfig: not found").
there is no ifconfig command in LEAF distro. They use ip command.
In Bering you just have to declare your interface in the /etc/interfaces file 
to activate the interfaces. Then the ifup program will execute the proper ip 
commands for you
Please read the installation & user's guide:
Also no double post on leaf-devel please.


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