Hi, How are you doing?

 Let´s see if you can help me out here.
I am trying to use a package called atmtools.lrp
that you can find at this address

  I am using this package because I am trying to use
an ATM NIC card
(ForeRunner ATM Adapter), but I am having some
problems that maybe you can help me with.

1) First I install the module to control the atm Nic
called "nicstar.o", which
I have downloaded from the leaf modules website. But
once I have this module installed,
sometimes it gives me error, sometimes it doesn´t. But
most of the time
is does and it gives me this error:

#insmod nicstar.o
Using /lib/modules/nicstar.o
insmod: unresolved symbol idt77105_stop
insmod: unresolved symbol idt77105_init

 Another thing is that the command Ifconfig doesn´t
work (It says "ifconfig: not found"). 

Another question that I have now, because ifconfig 
doesn´t work is how I can do in the /etc/interfaces to
add the lines to configure
the atm Nic automaticly.. you know we have something
for eth0, eth1.. br0... but 
what do I have to do for the atm Nic?

2) I am using the packages vlan.lrp and bridge.lrp
too. For these packages I had
to install two modules 8021q.o for vlan.lrp and
bridge.o, Do I have to install any
extra module for atmtools.lrp?

Thank you very much for all your help, I will be
waiting and checking my mail every
few minutes hehehe, see you and have a good day guys

Jose Luis Abuelo Sebio

Yahoo! Sorteos  -  http://loteria.yahoo.es
Juega a la Lotería Primitiva sin salir de casa

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