Darcy Parker wrote:
> Good day all,
>      I am using Leaf Bering (latest ver) and currently have my shorewall
> rules to allow a TightVNC connection only from a fixed IP address at work.
> # DNAT to allow TightVNC from Work Only
> #
> DNAT    net:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx    tcp    http
> DNAT    net:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx    tcp    5800
> DNAT    net:xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx    tcp    http
> DNAT    net.xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx    tcp    5900
>     As I am going to be travelling with my laptop, I am woundering if there
> is a way to configure the rules to allow a TightVNC connection from a spefic
> MAC address as I will not know what my net IP address will be while I am
> away.
> If not from a specific MAC address, then is there another way?
> Best Regards,
> Darcy


I would also suggest the same option Lars proposed, use ssh and
portforwarding with ssh acting as the tunnel. Some of the advantages are
disabling passwords and using RSAauthentication which can be configured
in your sshd_config file, averting the password cracking problem. A
properly configured sshd_config file is a powerful complement for your
security setup. Another advantage is that you will only be using the ssh
port for the connection, instead of opening the standard vnc 5800,5900
ports..and you can use the compression option as well. There's a pretty
good tutorial at the realvnc site on how to go about it:


Patrick Benson
Stockholm, Sweden

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