Hi again,

Ok, I just committed a new version into CVS which should resolve that problem (scp seems to hardcode the position of the ssh binary at compile time). Note - viewcvs takes a little time to update, so wait with downloading until the page
shows an ssh.lrp that's _not_ 5 weeks old (or, go via "real" CVS).

How do I access "real CVS"??
Follow the instructions at
for "anonymous access" (you need to have cvs installed on your client)
"modulename" (as referred to on that page) should be
(and preferrably the others like sshd.lrp as well, since I've never tested mixing different builds). If you want to (and have the bandwidth) you can simply check out the whole directory (in that case, module name would be bin/packages/uclibc-0.9/15)

Next problem is with sshd. When I try to ssh from one of the machines on my
local net I get: (...)
In the logs I get:
Jul 2 15:51:59 taz syslog: refused connect from icarus.rogueind.com
Jul 2 15:51:59 taz sshd[44]: debug1: Forked child 25273.
Jul 2 15:51:59 taz sshd[25273]: debug1: Connection refused by tcp wrapper

Sounds like your hosts-allow doesn't allow for ssh connections from that machine.

Yea Duh!! I should have known. I forgot about that.
;-) Happens to all of us.

In addition if I do /etc/init.d/sshd restart I get the following in the logs:
Jul  2 16:37:19 taz sshd[32081]: Received SIGHUP; restarting.
Jul  2 16:37:19 taz sshd[32081]: RESTART FAILED: av[0]='/usr/sbin/sshd', error: Bad 

I'm guessing "the logs" would be /var/log/auth.log here, right? Maybe

Actually I am having the box do remote logging to a machine on my internal
net. That was what was in there. Upon looking in /var/log/auth there is
no additional info.
Ah, ok. I just wanted to make sure I'm not looking at the wrong log.

the new binary will help, since all I get when restarting sshd is

sshd[20975]: Received signal 15; terminating.
sshd[26299]: Server listening on port 22

Maybe. I will try it once I get the new binary.
Ok, let me know it it works out.

Have a good trip and thanks for the help.


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