Hi James,

> Compiling for Bering 1.2 and uClibc.
> Is it *only* possible to compile for Bering 1.2 with a Debian/slink
> installation?
No - there is no need for a separate install or even UML for compiling things for uClibc (unlike with the "regular" Bering branch). Simply get the uClibc used for Bering uClibc 1.2 from www.uclibc.org (look for version 0.9.15) and the config/patches from http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/leaf/src/bering-uclibc/configs/uclibc/0.9.15/
and you should be all set.

If you want to be really "bleading edge", you can get buildtool (see http://lrp.hejl.de/devel/book1.html on how to get it and how to get started with it) - it takes a little more work for setup on compiling programs the first time, but it pays off in the long run (I surely found that out with the recent ssh updates). But that only works for Bering uClibc 2.0 (which uses uClibc 0.9.20 - hopefully soon the versions of uClibc will be the binary combatible between at least minor releases).

> Or can I take, say, Mandrake 9 and compile with a target OS? Just tell
> it which Glibc to use for instance. And install a different gcc.
> Will that work?
It should - have a look at the docs at uclibc.org for info on that - but be sure to use the exact same version of uclibc as in Bering uClibc 1.2 when compiling - otherwise you'll run into trouble.


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