On Thursday 23 October 2003 02:50 am, Erich Titl wrote:
> There is no NAT on the inner firewall, but then there is no NETBIOS traffic
> either through the firewall.

Hmmm... so it is running proxy-arp on the inner firewall (assuming this 
is the only way you can filter w/o routing). 

> I know that routing is going to be tricky, we will probably drop the
> extrudet subnet idea as it is too big a security risk to have a subnet
> extended right into the heart of our secure zone.

Yeah, if the firewall is answering a /16, then it is likely not the
best idea to keep them on the same subnet. It might be a better idea
to proxy-arp the DMZ and route/NAT the internal net which keeps the
DMZ on a seperate subnet behind the firewall.
~Lynn Avants
Linux Embedded Appliance Firewall Developer

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