On Sun, 2003-11-16 at 23:36, Paul G Rogers wrote:
> BTW, I noticed with Bering v1.2 ports 113, 135, 139, & 445 show up as
> closed/REJECT rather than "stealth"/DROP, so I tried to research why on
> the Shorewall site.  So I clicked on the Shorewall link in the weblet. 
> Firebird couldn't find shorewall.net, but I didn't do a lookup to
> doublecheck.  A Google search turned up one also at SourceForge, but all
> the links there refer back to shorewall.net and fail. Shouldn't something
> or other be fixed?

The server hosting www.shorewall.net and ftp.shorewall.net failed last
week and I have been hosting these sites on my small server here in my
home. Yesterday, we switched to using another small low-volume server
until the main one is back up (won't happen until the week of
Thanksgiving). DNS problems at the backup hosting company resulted in
www.shorewall.net being unavailable for a time.

Everything should be working now -- if not, it would be more appropriate
to send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] rather than complaining on
the Leaf list.

> I get a lot of door-knockers on 445, so I'd be inclined to make all but
> 113 DROP if the only impact is "slightly more chatter from Windows hosts
> on the LAN".  My LAN isn't that busy, and the outside net doesn't even
> need to know I'm there, IMO.  Any other reasons not to?

Do as you like -- simply copy /etc/shorewall/common.def to
/etc/shorewall/common and hack the latter to your heart's content?

Tom Eastep    \ Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool
Shoreline,     \ http://shorewall.net

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