cpu memhd wrote:
Okay. I figured out an easy way to do this. I stuck this in my
/etc/init.d/rc, /etc/init.d/rcS (and /etc/profile) files:

. /etc/myenv

Putting a "." (period) was necessary otherwise the variables don't
export to the proceeding scripts. Why this is important, I don't know,
still learning Linux.

When you use the "." (period), you are 'sourcing' the file in the current scripte (ie: it's just like you typed the contents of /etc/myenv at that point in /etc/init.d/rcS).

If you omit the period and just have:

...the file gets executed as a seperate (child) process, and any changes to it's local environment are purged when the "program" exits.

Charles Steinkuehler

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