Thanks again, Eric

 > The etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf is only created when you use the dhcpcd package.
 > Because you didn't tell much about your setup I have to guess a bit:
 > -You have a dynamic ip-address from your provider:

That's me!. My ISP assigns me a dynamic IP address. My firewall is connected to
a switch, which is connected to a Win XP machine, and occasionally a Linux 

 >You have to load dhcpcd.lrp and set dnsmasq to read /etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf
 >to load the provided DNS nameservers.

It worked! But an oddity is that even though I uncommented the range of IP 
to allocate starting at, my Win XP machine gets allocated
When I plug my Linux laptop in (with the Win XP machine still connected), it 
gets So why doesn't my Win XP box get
Whilst I can ssh into the firewall (very useful) I can't access it with a 
browser. I've
noticed that my syslog file has entries "cannot execute /usr/sbin/sh-httpd: no 
such file
or directory". I guess that it ought to be mini-httpd that should be called.
I've tried starting mini-httpd by hand "/etc/init.d/mini-httpd start", but with 
no luck -
and checking with ps ax shows no mini-httpd daemon running.

Jim Ford

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