Point taken. Sorry. They probably do understand it, and just made a careless statement.

But too many folks don't get it. I think its because the specs are not clear in the first place and the misunderstandings have been piling up in mismatched applications for years. Somebody somewhere needs to credibly, or officially, clarify the fundamentals.


On 2015-01-28 05:09 AM, Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:
In message <54c8b26d.6050...@edlmax.com>, Brooks Harris writes:
It says -

"Until now the solution has been to introduce a 'leap second', in other
words to stop 'official/scientific' time (Co-ordinated Universal Time,
'UTC'), for one second every so often."

Hold the phone. "to stop 'official/scientific' time"?!? How worrisome is
it that the chair of the committee considering the Leap Second question
could make a statement like that?
Hold the yelling:  What are the chances that we can ever implement
leap-seconds in a responsible fashion, if even a such persons do
not grasp what it is ?

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