Steve Allen wrote on 2003-07-13 16:48 UTC:
> TI without leaps turns day into night

And? So does UT, for everyone sufficiently far away from Greenwich.
That's why we have local time zones. A change from UT to TI would not
change any of that. It merely would cause "Greenwich" to move slowly
eastwards around the globe over the centuries and local time zones would
slowly change their offset relative to TI. Britain's national pride
in being the island whose local time is Weltzeit might be a legitimate
concern against this idea, but I don't see, what your concern about
"turning day into night" refers to.

> Unfortunately, we don't really have any proposals.  We have a lot of
> internally generated hypothetical scenarios based on vague hints from
> the SRG devoid of technical or social details and rationale.

I guess, at least about half of the SRG is quietly listening here, which
makes this a very suitable forum for sounding new ideas and refinements
of earlier proposals.

As an intellectual exercise, I made one specific proposal of what to do
with a leap-free TI when "Greenwich" hits the international date line
(near the year 5600). Apart from the weekday question, I haven't yet
heard any argument on why it might not be one of the most feasible and
desireable solutions.


Markus Kuhn, Computer Lab, Univ of Cambridge, GB | __oo_O..O_oo__

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