On Thu, 2016-05-05 at 14:12 -0300, Fernando Frediani wrote:
> Come on. It´s not a big thing and it helps some people to organize
> their mailboxes in the way they prefer.
> We are talking about just 10 extra characters !

You are right. It isn't a big thing. It's just 10 extra characters.

But some of us spend our entire lives sitting in front of an email
client, scanning mailing lists for discussions that are relevant to us
— and on which we can help.

Those 10 extra characters detract from our ability to pick out the
subjects we should pay attention to. And there are *standard* places in
which the same information already exists, instead of abusing the
subject line.

There have been many cases where a thread has had to be brought
explicitly to my attention (by Cc'ing it to me), because I just haven't
*noticed* it otherwise. That happens with and without the subject
prefix, but it happens *more* on lists with a subject prefix.

Again, just personal anecdotal data. But again, it's a down-side that
it's fairly hard for recipients to *avoid* (it's distinctly non-trivial 
to remove even the one list-noise, let alone when it's cross-posted and
gains others), while it's relatively *easy* for those who want it to
actually do things properly or *even* to just add the noise for
themselves at their side. If that's *really* the user-interface that
they want.


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