On 16-05-06 08:28 PM, Kus wrote:
> Daniel, I like what you said. I hinted something like that in the original 
> message.

Er, sorry which part - I think you mean about fast-forward only and not
the ideal world where everything is always tested no matter who it's from?



> I don't like the idea of making changes to history after it is published. 
> Personally, I don't care about commit pollution but if the team thinks it is 
> important, then we should squash commits before we merge with master.

History should never be rewritten in a *public* (meaning one that is
supposed to be pulled from rather than a feature or staging branch that
is intended for testing and rebasing and so on) branch.  Ever. IMNSHO.

(Unless it's something like a personal tree on github that hasn't been
forked and you have no reason believe someone else has even noticed it,
yet, and you have a good reason).

In other branches only history not already in public branches should be
rewritten else you've got an ugly problem.

> In an ideal world, we'd make all commits on master and we'd have 100% 
> confidence that each commit is guaranteed to cause no regression. If wishes 
> were fishes...

Heh, if that were the case we'd be the robots that took over the world
because we were better than our human creators....

> Maybe require all commits in master be signed and encourage but not require 
> signing for others? Would that be acceptable?

Make sense to me.



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