Am 13.08.2016 um 20:16 schrieb Daniel Dickinson:
> On Tue, 2016-08-09 at 17:13 +0200, Josua Mayer wrote:
>> Hi John,
>> I have finally found the time to look into this, and managed to
>> reproduce the segfault that Álvaro noticed.
>> It is caused by a call to fclose(0x0); This is very unexpected,
>> shouldn't the C library check for NULL and return quietly?
> C generally doesn't do any prevent shooting yourself in the foot type
> checks for things related to memory/fd/handle management.  Part of the
> reason is fast and small is that it leaves most things up to the
> programmer.  I've head RUST is supposed to be a new thing that might be
> small and fast but safer, but that's just what I'm told, I haven't
> looked into it, and don't really know anything about it.
I did some research, and apparently fclose(0) is undefined. To each C
library its own behaviour.
Luckily that call is now properly prevented!
> Regards,
> Daniel

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