>>>>> Doug Philips <douglas.philips-re5jqeeqqe8avxtiumw...@public.gmane.org> 
>>>>> writes:

> What I would like to see is a way to produce register output that is a
> fusion of the normal ledger register output and the same result with '-n'
> used.  That is, I would like to see the total of the transactions in the
> entry as well as the broken-out values. I can't seem to find out what it is
> that '-n' does, or how I can do that myself. Right now I'm running the same
> register reports twice, once with -n and once without and trying to read
> back and forth. For a few transactions, it isn't too bad. I figure I have to
> be missing something, right?

There is no way presently to do what you're asking, either for 2.x or 3.0.

Feature requests in Bugzilla are always welcome! :)

> P.S. What I'd really love would be to have a total for the entry, as well as
> subtotals based on (user-specifiable) account summaries.  so that
> Assets:Checking:Event:Date transactions within an entry are all summarized
> and the Assets:Checking:Membership transactions within an entry are all
> summarized, in addition to a summary of the deposits and withdrawals. Yes, I
> need this because the bank shows a net amount and I want to track the actual
> sub-amounts ($n for event fees collected, $m for membership fees collected,
> all of which are deposited and which the bank reports as one entry).

Are you sure it's register report you want, and not the balance report?


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