Hi ledger users,

I have over a hundred transactions per month and a lot of categories; I was 
unhappy with the existing transaction import tools. So, I wrote 
"into-ledger" to make import efficient.


   - *Accurate*: Uses a much more accurate tf-idf expense classifier than 
   used by cantino/reckon.
   - *Includes and Aliases*: Correctly parses your existing journal file, 
   handling all includes and account aliases.
   - *Keyboard Shortcuts*: Assigns dynamic keyboard shortcuts, so 
   classifying transactions is just a keystroke away.
   - *Auto-save*: Uses temporary storage (boltdb) to persist transactions 
   that you have categorized or acknowledged to be correctly categorized, so 
   you can quit whenever you want, without the risk of losing the work done so 
   - *Deduplication*: Deduplicates incoming transactions from CSV against 
   the transactions already present in ledger journal. This allows an easy 
   resume from a broken workflow.
   - *Nice UI*: Colors and formatting, because it's not just about getting 
   things done. It's also about making them look nice!

Github: https://github.com/manishrjain/into-ledger
You can install it via Go using: go get -v -u 

I encourage you to try it out. And if you do, send your comments and 
feedback my way.



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