Hi Bob,

> When creating a sales invoice what do you think of adjusting the input
> line depending on whether the item number is inventory or service.  If
> the item is from inventory then the way the form is now is fine.  If the
> item is a service then the input line should change to show:
> Item  Number  Date  Tech  Description  Qty  OH  Unit  Price  %  Extended
> For a given customer we need to know who went out and when along with
> the stuff that is already on that line.

Have you tried solving this problem through the use of timecards? There,
you'll be able to register names of techs, dates, times and activities, link
them to services with hourly rates, convert them to sales orders and
invoices. You could even create logins for the techs to file their own
timecards (to save you the typing). If that workflow doesn't work for you,
could you take a minute to outline why not?

As a test I created a separate invoice for each time a tech went to this
> client.  After consolidating the invoices for this client the dates were
> lost.

Ok. This could be a bugreport? I'm not sure what the output was, but if
you had separate lines for each of the times the tech went to the customer,
just not the date, then this should really be a bug report. If the lines get
consolidated, then, well, there really isn't a good place to mention all the
different dates.

Hope you can find the time to go over the various options with us!



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