Ok.  I've been poking at this for awhile and the use of
Projects/Timecards isn't any better.  Converting a timecard to sales
order loses all the detail we want the customer to see.

Our goal is to let the customer know: when who did what to whom and how
long it took.

This is the basis for my suggestion for adjusting the input fields based
on if it is a product or a service when filling out a Sales Order or
Sales Invoice.


On Tue, 2016-05-17 at 08:50 -0700, Bob Crandell wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> Let's get the bug out of the way.  I think it's working as designed
> because there is no place to put a date for each activity - hence my
> suggestion.
> Then to your suggestion, I tried to create a time card but got this:
> Attribute (business_unit_id) does not pass the type constraint because:
> Validation failed for 'Int' with value undef at constructor
> LedgerSMB::Timecard::new (defined at LedgerSMB/Timecard.pm line 277)
> line 52
> LedgerSMB::Timecard::new('LedgerSMB::Timecard', 'checkedin',
> 'LedgerSMB::PGDate=HASH(0x7df4ef8)', 'qty', undef, 'business_unit_id',
> undef, 'description', undef, 'parts_id', undef, 'curr', 'USD', 'jctype',
> 1, 'non_billable', 0, 'partnumber', 'LBO', 'transdate',
> 'LedgerSMB::PGDate=HASH(0x7df56d8)', 'total', 0) called at
> LedgerSMB/Scripts/timecard.pm line 180
> LedgerSMB::Scripts::timecard::save_week('LedgerSMB=HASH(0x42f8e80)')
> called at lsmb-request.pl line 113 LedgerSMB::Handler::try {...}
> at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.20.1/Try/Tiny.pm line 81 eval {...}
> at /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.20.1/Try/Tiny.pm line 72
> Try::Tiny::try('CODE(0x43f0d60)', 'Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x43ed5a8)')
> called at lsmb-request.pl line 125
> LedgerSMB::Handler::call_script('timecard.pl',
> 'LedgerSMB=HASH(0x42f8e80)') called at lsmb-request.pl line 88 require
> lsmb-request.pl at /srv/www/htdocs/ledgersmb/timecard.pl line 8 
> I don't know what a business_unit_id is.
> "Report In" is a drop down list.  What is it for?
> The error above happens when I enter a service partnumber.
> This is version 1.4.28.
> Have a nice day.
> On Tue, 2016-05-17 at 10:14 +0200, Erik Huelsmann wrote:
> > Hi Bob,
> >  
> >         When creating a sales invoice what do you think of adjusting
> >         the input
> >         line depending on whether the item number is inventory or
> >         service.  If
> >         the item is from inventory then the way the form is now is
> >         fine.  If the
> >         item is a service then the input line should change to show:
> >         Item  Number  Date  Tech  Description  Qty  OH  Unit  Price  %
> >         Extended
> >         
> >         
> >         For a given customer we need to know who went out and when
> >         along with
> >         the stuff that is already on that line.
> > 
> > 
> > Have you tried solving this problem through the use of timecards?
> > There,
> > 
> > you'll be able to register names of techs, dates, times and
> > activities, link
> > them to services with hourly rates, convert them to sales orders and
> > 
> > invoices. You could even create logins for the techs to file their own
> > timecards (to save you the typing). If that workflow doesn't work for
> > you,
> > 
> > could you take a minute to outline why not?
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >         As a test I created a separate invoice for each time a tech
> >         went to this
> >         client.  After consolidating the invoices for this client the
> >         dates were
> >         lost.
> >  
> > 
> > Ok. This could be a bugreport? I'm not sure what the output was, but
> > if
> > 
> > you had separate lines for each of the times the tech went to the
> > customer,
> > 
> > just not the date, then this should really be a bug report. If the
> > lines get
> > 
> > consolidated, then, well, there really isn't a good place to mention
> > all the
> > 
> > different dates.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Hope you can find the time to go over the various options with us!
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Bye,
> > 
> > 
> > Erik.
> > 
> > 
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Bob Crandell Assured Computing, Inc. DBA ComputerBase
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