to be honest it's a shocking end to the season, again, and I still don't rule 
conspiracy out of the equation. our form for 2 months has been shocking.
until someone sees value in Leeds and is willing to pay whoever owns us enough 
I think we may be forever cast as the biggest club who so nearly...blah, blah, 
facts are that I've seen at least 4 consistently better teams than us this year 
i.e. QPR, Norwich, Swansea and Cardiff, as well as those early season 
implosions. All in all we've had a good season, but with the nagging feeling 
that we've thrown away a perfect opportunity. We need to get our stall laid out 
early this summer, and stop p*ssing about late in the day fiddling about with 
the core of the team.
looking on the positive side, we'll be spared a turgid play-off experience! Or 
will we??
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