on the CF - no he "didn't suddenly sprout" but we dealt with him for 60
minutes - his first goal was a stooping header, which half decent marking
would have stopped, as indeed would the full back stopping the winger
getting the cross in...but they didn't, individuals make mistakes in
games...these two coincided and the bloke scored...the rush of 3 goals in
10-15 minutes was down to us being unable to stop the supply to the wings
and then from the wings into the box.

I want considered explanations, built up over a reasonable time-span,
taking into account the full picture (or at least as full as is available
to us), what I don't have any time for are knee-jerk reactions based on
partial information (at best) often filtered through a third or fourth

Last night I saw a team playing against the form team in the league, and
matching, if not besting, them for 60 minutes. Then it went tits-up and the
confidence just fell away, the confidence being at least partly an issue
with the crowd who immediately get on the backs of players when stuff
begins to go astray.

On 01 February 2012 at 08:47 "Dr. Michael Benjamin. " <beden...@gmail.com>

> Nick
> It's no reading entrails to see that we are as I said. IMO it's never
good to explain something. Repeated explanations with different versions
even more so.
> Did this CF suddenly sprout overnight? Was his height a surprise?
> We fix one thing and something else breaks. Look over the last ten twelve
games, subtract the 'Speed reaction ' and what do you see?
> How many explanations and if only's do you want to hear?
> Sorry.
> Sent from my iPhone.
> D"r Michael Benjamin.
> Community  Psychiatrist.
> On 1 Feb 2012, at 10:29, "n...@6haroldplace.co.uk"
<n...@6haroldplace.co.uk> wrote:
> >
> > Before anyone gets to reading signs of an imminent apocalypse in the
> > entrails of this result, a few words from someone who actually attended
> >
> > PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate
> >
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PETE CASS (1962 - 2011) Rest In Peace Mate

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