Can't disagree with anything Dave (or the ghost of Richard Walker)
says...except that I agree with Dave about Aidy White - left side or
nothing and let him learn the job, Colin's doing him no favours buggering
him about at R side midfield - I think it is actually a tacit recognition
that we need pace up front to hurt people and Aidy is the nearest thing we
have to that...but that lad is lost.

so I'll chuck in a few more thoughts:

- We now have the 3rd worst home record in the league (only Bristol and
Forest are worse)...we have lost more at home than we've won...

- Colin's two "trademarks" as a manager has been to get the team fit and
battling and in the opposition's face for 90 minutes and use of the long
ball. I've seen nothing of the first at Leeds so far - yesterday was
pathetic, spineless, gut-less (and lots of other body parts-less) - we lost
our prime on-the-pitch motivator when Bates fucked up Howson's contract
negotiations - now we have Michael Brown...We gave up huge areas of the
pitch to Watford and all the second ball knock downs. Warnock has not moved
on since Wilko circa 1996...and we sacked that bugger back then

- we are giving the long ball a go...all the time...regardless of
results...we keep giving the long ball a is painfull - if Colin is
still in post by August we will have a team of 6 footers chasing hoofs from
Lees, O'Dea etc (we actually missed O'Dea yesterday - another one of those
sentences that should never be written.) Won't that feel like value for

- Becchio is a huge problem - but now so are, Brown, Connolly, Robinson,
Aidy White (at right side), Clayton has nowhere to go, and Ross McCormack -
I include our leading scorer because a) he's not half of what he thinks he
is, but b) more importantly he is absolutely as guilty as Becchio of
throwing himself to the ground at every opportunity and then spending 5
minutes sulking when he doesn't get the that aspect, he is an
embarrassment. They are all charlatans masquerading as footballers.

- still at least Colin's sorted out the defence...yesterday? fucking other description suffices - they could have had 4 or 5...and
Watford are crap.

- the life is being sucked out of the club...where are the youngsters...on
the pitch or in the can't afford to pole up and watch Leeds
on a whim...never mind that we're so shit they could probably think of many
better ways to spend £20-30...Bates' pricing policy for next season is
already leaving us shafted...he's lost 30% of STs, so I understand, but he
won't be able to drop match day prices to try and attract waverers, we're
absolutely stuffed on that crowds of the high teens will be the
norm, unless we go on an unprecedented winning streak. Where is the pride
the spirit, the guts, the blood and is a sorry guys not going regularly do not get to feel this kick in the
stomach every two weeks and know that there is no-one at the club (with the
possible exception of Snodgrass...and he's bound to get naffed off with
watching the ball sail over his head week after week) with a clue how to go
about turning it round.

- I'm glad we've only got 3 home games left...and, let's be real, we won't
be in the play-offs and on this showing I'm chuffing glad about that, cos
the sooner this charade of a football season closes down at this shadow of
a once-great club, I can start my summer long fantasies about how next
year, it might just be different.

On 01 April 2012 at 11:13 DAVID NATTAN <> wrote:

> I have to say that I agree totally with Rich - his report was spot on.
> Dave
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