What's really annoying about Diouf's sending off on Saturday - was that as he
tucked the penalty away, we would not have been unreasonable in thinking we
could go on and take all three points. We were dominant, passing the ball
nicely, keeping them from any serious possession or efforts on goal...and the
equaliser, which Diouf had had such a large part in bringing about, knocked the
stuffing out of them. As it was, the one kick of the game when we both had 10
men each, was the penalty. What a knob.
Diouf had been getting a barracking mostly because he's a class "A" tw*t, but
also after an earlier penalty appeal had been waved away. Brighton fans thought
he was diving. That's probably why he ran 60 yards to "spontaneously" respond as
he did.
I took heart from Saturday's game - we played well - good composed football,
even when a man short.
I see we're appealing Austin's dismissal. Ah well, roll on August.
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