Very funny Damian :-) I wonder if electronic loss of bowel control awaits us 
all - something to look forward to? The unremitting ‘unfunniness’ of the posts 
was what struck me - I can’t really understand what was driving him?

I do like the word gobshit though ;-)

Da Rev
Superstar DJ, still clinging onto my yoof, AMO, plus a working todger :-)

Sent from my iPad

> On 2 Nov 2017, at 14:40, Damian Walsh <> wrote:
> I'm afraid that it's time to take the road show out and start signing up
> students to the list. I know that we made a conscious decision 20 years ago
> to hound them off, but we didn't imagine then that one day we'd all be 20
> years older and that one day (now for example) we might prefer to read
> youthful gobshit (is that a word?) rather than the septuagenarian (or
> worse!) stuff we have to put up with now.
> Of course you reap that which you sow and we've only got ourselves to blame
> for years of exaggerated respect for the elderly - but it's not too late to
> change that.
> I don't want to be completely ageist - after all if all goes to plan I will
> be old myself one day - but can I suggest that we replace the LU/NonLU
> subject prefixes with FT/AMO so that an unsuspecting lister may know in
> advance if he is going to be bitten by False Teeth or All My Own.......
> Damian
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