No match reports? I guess everyone feels that we all watched the match (which 
I'm sure we did.) My quick observations.

1.Not our best performance but we were miles better than Sheff U and should 
really have been out of sight by the final whistle, We largely controlled the 
game, and I thought our "game management" was better than earlier in the 
season, controlled the flow of the game soaked up whatever little pressure they 
put us under and attacked when we had the opportunities to do so.

2. Llorente is looking very useful. I like Cooper for all his service to the 
club but I think it won't be long before the central pairing will be Llorente 
and Koch (or even Struijk)

3. Top marks to Roberts who has really looked like a premier league player 
these last few outings. At the beginning of the season I never thought he'd cut 
it at this level but full credit to him, he's now looking like a decent premier 
league player.

4. Raphina is the most exciting player we've had in a long time but we all know 
that by now. Yes he was at fault for their goal by trying a fancy flick when 
all he had to do was trap the ball and pass it, but I'll take those little 
errors in exchange for a player who can put defenders on their arse time and 
time again all day long.

5. What was up with Bamford? Is he still carrying an injury? Just didn't look 
up to the pace of the game to me, poorest game he's had in a while but he's 
excused that because he's exceeded all expectations this season for me.

6. Stuart Dallas is a bloody good premier league player.

7. Rodrigo needs a little more game time but I'm convinced he'll soon be 
getting lots of praise from the pundits, just seems a little short of match 
sharpness but his movement is very intelligent.

8. Wasn't that the first time this season we've had all our summer signings on 
the pitch at the same time? If it was I think it says volumes for how we'll 
we've coped this season despite a lot of injuries. Bielsa has somehow managed 
to get even more out of what were once considered pretty average championship 

9. Alioski is still a bang average championship player. I love him but we 
really need a proper left back this summer.

10. That's it from me, got to take my son to school.


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