Total non event, a real damp squib, but given our recent form and defensive 
frailties a decent outcome.
We had a game plan which we stuck to and it worked. Not sure why we seem unable 
to waste time / take minutes out of the game as many teams have done against 
us, but we looked comfortable passing the bsll around at the back just for the 
sake of it.

I did not expect much going foward once i had seen the line up and so it 
proved,  not helped by both Summerville and Georginio having very quiet / poor 
Gnonto looked our most dangerous threat but he spent a lot of time moaning etc 
and picked up a daft booking.
So on to ER with it all to play for and in the balance. 
My wife came in with 20mins to go and said " i bet it wont be this quiet at 
elland road" - time to ramp up the atmosphere and get behind the lads.We are 
better than them, the table does not lie, so lets prove it
Team selection has suddenly become more interesting,  will Paddy be fit ? Do we 
keep 3 in midfield? Who gets the nod between Piroe and Josep if he does bring 
one in? Will James get a start , etc etc 

Looking forward to it 

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Dave Dowden, a legend, a Totty Twin, a pie man! R.I.P.

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