The picket line at Australian, Dyeing Company (16 9 Noone Street,
CLIFTON HILL) continues despite the lockout on the Dec 1st. These
workers still need our support.

Textile workers at Australian, Dyeing Company (16 9 Noone Street,
CLIFTON HILL) have been locked out after taking industrial action
support of their enterprise bargaining claim. Eighty TCFUA members
been outside the gate without pay since 1st  December 1998.
They need your solidarity and support.

The company has:
• offered to give workers a pay increase if they resign from the
and go on individual contract
• threatened them with the sack
• hired 45 Chubb security guards 24 hours a day to keep workers
out used

non-union untrained students to do TCFUA members work
• spent $100,000 on security cameras and microphones to spy on
protesting workers at the site
• hired Peter Reiths personnel lawyer to represent the company

The TCFUAS members are strong and determined but your support will
win this dispute for every worker. You can assist by;
1. Visiting the continual protest at 169 Noone Street, Clifton
2. Giving financial support
* a donation
* a weekly levy
Monies can be deposited into:
or forwarded to the:
    Commonwealth Bank
    A .D.C, Solidarity Account
    063008 I003 2412

    TCFUA (A.D.C. Solidarity)
    2nd Floor, 132 8 Leicester Street
    CARLTON VIC 3053

Please fax details of any weekly levy to: TCFUA (A.D.C. Solidarity
Fax 9348 1779
Authorised by Michele O'Neil
Tel (03) 9347 3377 Fax (03) 9348 177S

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       The Year 2000 Bug - An Urgent Sustainability Issue

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