Parra Politics in the Pub kicks off for 1999 next Tuesday, 2nd February.
Topic: The Politics of International Aid - Where does your $1 per day
really go?
Speakers: Liam Phelan (Aidwatch) and Ken Davis (Union Aid Abroad)

Parra Politics in the Pub is held the first Tuesday of each month
commencing 6.30pm, at the Woolpack Hotel, corner of George and Marsden
Streets in Parramatta, western Sydney.  No admission charge - everyone

PS - Parramatta City Council has informed hotels in the area that they will
now be held responsible and fined heavily for any flyposting advertising
events to be held at their pub.  We would therefore appreciate any help
anyone can provide to advertise Politics in the Pub through any other

For further information or to go on our snail mail list, phone 9897-3558 or

Phone: 61 2 9897 3558


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