Australia 'knew of UNSCOM deception'

Melbourne: Jan 27 (South News) - A former UN weapons inspector accused the
Australian government Wednesday of being well aware Australians working in
Iraq with UNSCOM were illicitly supplying intelligence to the United States. 

Former US marine Scott Ritter, who led a special investigations unit of the
UN Special Commission (UNSCOM) in Iraq until last August, said Canberra was
well aware Australian members of the UN weapons inspection team spied for
the United States. 

Ritter told The Canberra Times in an interview published Wednesday that
under heavy pressure from Washington last July the UNSCOM was directed to
relay intelligence data
back to the United States, breaching UN rules. 

``The July operation was known to the Australian government in almost every
detail but the caveat was that it would be played honestly and that it
would be shared with (UNSCOM head) Richard Butler and his deputy,'' Mr
Ritter said. 

"I know the Australian liaisons down in Washington and the Australian
people up in New York were 'read in'," he said. 

Ritter, who quit UNSCOM after what he said was a US move to rein in UNSCOM
by controlling its intelligence gathering, added: "I know the Australian
liasons down in Washington and the Australian people in New York were 'read

Mr Ritter was chief of UNSCOM's concealment investigations unit until last
August when he quit after what he said was a move by the US to rein in
UNSCOM's activities by controlling its intelligence gathering 

"The Australian government was convinced that you would be doing good. I
think they were used too. I think the Australian government ended up being
used by the US as well." 

Ritter said there was a clear distinction between spying and inspecting.
Any passing on of sensitive information was a direct breach of the United
Nation's own guidelines and potentially put at risk the lives of inspectors. 

Ritter said until last July he controlled the type of intelligence data
issued on Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, with data going to several
nations and its release was consistent with UNSCOM's mandate. 

But in July new directions from the United States were delivered through
Butler to Ritter, who said the data would be sent directly to the United
States, no questions asked.

After the changes were made last July, Mr Ritter said Australian
intelligence agents came to him in Baghdad in August and expressed concern
about what they were doing, saying they felt they were being used by the US. 

"The Australian operators came to me and said in typically Australian
fashion, 'Mate, we're being used'," he said. "The [Australians] they
provided were experts in their field. They knew the game, and they know
what was happening. They just took a look at what was transpiring, how much
data was being collected, how it was being collected. They just put two and
two together and realised there was no UN direction on this." 

Over the past 12 months, up to 30 Defence Organisation personnel were sent
to work for UNSCOM in Iraq, and that three Australian Defence Force
officers were permanently stationed there. It is understood that among the
Australians sent to Iraq were several intelligence officers expert in
electronic interception, originating from the Defence Signals Directorate
or the Seventh Signals Regiment. 

Meanhile at the UN, Russian ambassador, Sergei Lavrov said trying to revive
UNSCOM would not help council discussions. ``The only way out is to
concentrate on the future. We need a new assessment on the ground and see
what needs to be done...if we ever want to see U.N. back on the ground.'' 

He again advocated limiting future disarmament work in Iraq to long-term
monitoring rather than accounting for past arms programmes as well as using
some experts from UNSCOM. Lavrov pointed to a widely-circulated report last
Friday from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which agreed in
general with his proposals. 

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