It was 30 years ago in May that Clarrie O'Shea, the secretary of the
Melbourne trammies' union, went to jail to defend union principles and one
million workers struck to get him out.

We'll be celebrating that victory at the Socialist Worker May Day dinner
this Saturday, May 1, from 7.30pm at the Retreat Hotel, 280 Sydney Rd,
Brunswick (just north of Brunswick Town Hall).

The guest speaker will be John Gillies, a 1969 striker and Communist Party
member. The MC for the evening will be Heidi Seltmann, who was a connie at
Brunswick tram depot up until the end...

There will be music, comedy and a great three-course meal. All for $25 or
$12. For bookings, email [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ring 9386 4815 (24-hour
message service).



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