The S11 Student Solidarity Group will be demonstrating outside St Josephs
College on Friday October 6th at 1pm (353 Queensbury St, North Melbourne)
in response to the victimisation of students from that school who attended
the S11 protest.

Two year 11 students, Dave and Marco, have been expelled just before their
end of year exams for missing school on Tuesday Sept 12th.

Such punishment cannot be justified, especially when only two years ago,
private schools encouraged students to attend a high school strike against
Pauline Hanson wearing their school uniforms. Sadly it seems that St
Josephs College will only allow young people to voice their opinions if
they are shared by the school administration.

At 1pm Student Solidarity members and St Josephs students will attend the
protest at the front of the school.  There will be celebrity speakers and a
petition which will be given to the principal. St Josephs students will
decide on what further action to take on Friday.

Dave and Marco must be accepted back to St Josephs, their expulsion is a
denial of their rights to freedom of speech and association, further strike
action cannot be ruled out if the principal continues to support the

The protest will be held at 1pm Friday October 6th,  at the front entrance
to St Josephs College, 353 Queensbury St, North Melbourne

Contacts : Marco- 0403 376 369
                  Matt-    0415 227 580


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