A limited number of FREE PLACES at the Community Advocacy Unit's "Advocacy 
in Action" Workshops are available to members of low and unfunded community 
advocacy groups.

Check the Community Advocacy Unit's website for further information or to 
download an application form.  www.tce.rmit.edu.au/advocacy


Workshop 1 - Social Marketing: Planning and Production for Community Advocacy

Presented by Gerald Frape and others, this workshop will examine the 
importance of research, creative direction and passion in advocacy campaigns.

Saturday 28 April, 2001
9.30am - 4.30pm

Workshop 2 - Community Advocacy: Cause and Effect

This workshop will examine four Australian activism case studies, to draw 
out lessons about what kinds of advocacy strategies work, and why.  Case 
studies include the Melbourne S11 Anti-Corporate Globalisation Protest, the 
Refugee and Asylum Seeker and Reconciliation Movements, and One Nation.

Saturday 12 May, 2001
9.30am - 4.30pm

Workshop 3 - Cyber Activism: New Communication Strategies for Community 

Learn practical skills in web design and electronic advocacy.  Featuring 
the "confessions" of a Cyber Warrior.

Saturday 26 May, 2001
9.30am - 4.30pm

Venue for all workshops -
RMIT University City Campus
Building 22, Level 4, Room 11
Corner Swanston and LaTrobe Streets, Melbourne

Registration details -
Package of three workshops $275 (GST included)
Single workshops $110 each (GST included)

Book now - strictly limited places available!

Registrations close Friday 20 April.
Registration form available from www.tce.rmit.edu.au/advocacy

Financial assistance -
Financial assistance for full package only available for low and unfunded 
community groups!

Apply now - strictly limited places available!

Applications close Friday 13 April.
Application form available from www.tce.rmit.edu.au/advocacy

Gillian Davy
Co-ordinator, Community Advocacy Unit
School of Social Science and Planning
RMIT University
GPO Box 2476V
Melbourne  VIC  3001


Tel: +61 3 9925 2910
Fax: +61 3 9925 1855


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