
Sunday 17 June 11am sharp

Treasury Gardens, Melbourne
Gather to farewell the FABC bus and car cavalcade to Canberra
to convince all politicians
Australians want their national broadcaster to be independent,
comprehensive, commercial-free

Rod Quantock
Ramona Koval
Shaun Micallef
Max Gillies (alias John Howard)

More speakers to come .
Leaders of all major parties invited.
Kids face painting - ABC theme
BYO umbrella if it rains

Friends of the ABC (Vic) Inc

GPO Box 4065MM, Melbourne 3001 Phone (03) 9682 0073 www.fabc.org.au

The ability of the ABC to broadcast is slowly being whittled away - we need
this broadcaster to be stong & independent - so we can learn what is really
happening in business, politics...............

Mary Murray


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