Some of the New titles for activists from Anarres Books
- an anarchist mailorder book service based in Melbourne.

Vernon Richards, Colin Ward, Nicolas Walter
George Orwell at Home (and amoung the anarchists)
Freedom Press, 76pp, $24.40
George Orwell was one of the most important British socialist writers of
the twentieth century. He produced novels, books of reportage, booklets,
essays, articles, broardcasts and reviews, but above all he is
remembered for the satires Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, which
have been read by millions of people all over the world. He fought in
the Spanish Civil War and sympathised with the anarcho-syndicalists in
the Spanish Revolution, and had friendships with several prominent
British anarchists until his death in 1950. Here for the first time is a
full collection of photographs taken by Vernon Richards and his
companion Marie Louise Berneri in 1946, showing George Orwell at home.
Also included is the obituary which Vernon Richards wrote in 1950, a
series of articles on anarchism which Colin Ward wrote in 1955, and a
long account by Nicolas Walter of Orwell's relations with anarchism and
the anarchists taking into account the material published in The
Complete Works of George Orwell in 1998.

Dolgoff, Sam
Cuban Revolution: a critical Perspective
Black Rose Books 199pp $13.50 History
Sam Dolgoff takes us through the history of Cuba drawing forth an
analysis of the revolution from a libertarian perspective. This book
makes a powerful statement against leninism and the militarisation of
Cuban society, railroading the social revolution into the Castro

Dyson, Rose
Mind Abuse. Media Violence in an Information Age
Black Rose Books 240pp $25.50 Political Systems
The major concern of this book is the mushrooming problem of media
violence. It is defined in terms of programming content and the more
subtle, systemic forms of violence as expressed through growing media
ownership concentration. This book is the first broad, comprehensive,
critical history and analysis; it is both timely and urgent.

Herman, Edward S.
Triumph of the Market. Essays on Economics, Politics and the Media.
Black Rose Books 276pp $25.50 Political Economy
Brilliant analysis of the linkages between U.S. and global economics,
politics and media. This book demystifies the many ways that giant
global corporations have worked to replace democratic and community
values with market exchange. A disturbing warning about the dangers to
democracy, economic rationality, national sovereignty, global economic
stability and progress, and international peace.

Schecter, Tanya
Race, Class, Women and the State. The Case of Domestic Labour.
Black Rose Books 204pp $32.20 Sexuality & Gender
The role of the State is analysed in setting policies that allow women
to increase their participation in the public shere, while at the same
time keeping the public-private divide and its attendant value structure
in tact: domestic labour and child care remain women's responsibility
and are valued less than work performed in the public shere. It shows
how women are overwelmingly forced to work a double day.

Bookchin, Murray
Anarchism, Marxism and the Future of the Left.
AK Press 349pp $35.90 Anarchism/ Marxism
This expansive collection ranges over, amongst others, Bookchin's
account of his teenage years as a young Communist during the Great
Depression; his experiences of the 1960s and reflections on that
decade's lessons; his vision of a libertarian communist society;
libertarian politics; the future of anarchism; and the unity of theory
and practice. He goes on to assess the crisis of radicalism today and
defends the need for a revolutionary Left. Finally he states what is to
be valued in both anarchism and Marxism in building such a Left, and
offers guidelines for forming a new revolutionary social movement.

Christie, Stuart
We the Anarchists! A study of the Iberian Anarchist Federation (FAI)
Jura Media 136pp $20.00 History
The Spanish revolution was the first successful insurrection in a modern
industrial setting. Some might call it the only industrial revolution.
If you are interested in the practice of anarchist revolution, without
the romantic gloss that some accounts give it, then you will be
interested in this book. Co-published by Jura Media associated with Jura
Books, an anarchist bookshop in Sydney which first opened in 1977.

Vaucher, Gee
Crass Art and other Pre-Postmodern Monsters
AK Press 112pp $44.90 Arts
Much of punk's early radicalism has now found its way into the
mainstream - three chord thrash has become acceptable MTV material,
while punk ''fashion'' is strutted on the catwalks of London, Paris and
New York. However, less easily exploited aspects have been largely
ignored. Chief amongst them, the anarchist band Crass, who while selling
hundreds of thousands of records through noncommercial channels, played
a huge role in revitalizing both the peace and anarchist movements in
the late '70s and early '80s. Vaucher's work with Crass is seminal to
the "protest art" of the '80s. Seeing her art as a tool for social
change, the extensive work that she did with Crass is perhaps the most
obvious example of her agit-prop approach, but if her more recent works
are superficially less confronting, it is only because the subject under
attack is less immediately obvious. Crass Art & Other Pre-Postmodernist
Monsters offers an opportunity to view Vaucher's work from its
art-school origins to the present day. Offering 112 pages of full-colour
plates, and a text detailing the historical context of the work.

Ward, Colin
Social Policy: an anarchist response.
Freedom Press 89pp $17.60 Housing & Planning
In 1995-96, Colin Ward was the visiting Centenary Professor at the
London School of Economics. This volume collects all the talks he gave
during his tenure. Topics covered include on Housing, Water, Welfare
Reform as well as his views on Anarchism in the 21st Century. One of the
most accessible and entertaining Anarchist writers.

Yates, John
September Commando.
AK Press 93pp $21.50 Arts
'September Commando: Gestures Of Futility And Frustration' is the second
installment of politically charged satire, scrutiny and social
commentary from John Yates' Stealworks graphics compound. Featuring over
100 of Yates' designs, 'September Commando' is a visual assault on all
things bad. From our benevolent leaders on Capitol(ist) Hill to Twenty
First Century Cops, from his "own" apathy-embracing (de)Generation X to
the selling of Corporate American ignorance (and purchase thereof) to
the (pocket) enlightened m(asses). 'September Commando' picks up where
'Stealworks' left off and from there on out it's a trilateral social
injustice kill spree. To the barricades, and don't spare the hors

See the Anarres Books website for a full catalog and ordering details or

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