Just arrived at Anarres Books, new titles from New Society Publishers.
These join our extensive list of books we stock from this publisher
which specialises in books on social change, social justice and
Anarres Books is a collectively run anarchist mailorder book service
based in Melbourne.

Alvord, Katie
Divorce Your Car!: Ending the Love Affair with the Automobile
New Society Publishers , 320pp, $22.95 Housing & Planning
Not so much a book about planning for a car-less future, more a
practical book about how to organise your life without your car, or at
least to reduce your dependence.

Douthwaite, Richard
The Growth Illusion: How Economic Growth has Enriched the Few,
Impoverished the Many, and Endangered the Planet
New Society Publishers ,400pp $25.95 Political Economy
Douthwaite examines the history of western economic growth from the
birth of capitalism through the industrial revolution and the world
wars, drawing a startling link between rising GNP and the erosion of the
quality of our health, family and community life, and a sustainable
future. This engaging and well-researched work looks at the end of the
American dream and why national growth patterns are so difficult to
break, and offers radical ideas to steer our economies on a new course.

Hill, Linda
Connecting Kids: Exploring Diversity Together
New Society Publishers ,192pp $25.95 Education
This book helps children explore and celebrate differences, building
acceptance and an inclusive culture that prevents and reduces prejudice
and discrimination. Focusing on 20 key skills, it includes over 200 fun
games and activities that teach social connecting behaviours.

Kivel, Paul
Boys will be Men: Raising our Sons for Courage, Caring, and Community
New Society Publishers ,256pp $19.95 Education
Boys will Be Men is for all parents who have a vision of a society where
peace and justice exist; for parents raising their sons in economically
disadvantaged communities; for feminists who feel confused about raising
their sons, and for parents of color who need to add their sons'
strength to their communities.

Macy, Joanna R.
Widening Circles: A Memoir
New Society Publishers ,296pp $22.95 Biography
An absorbing memoir from a well known eco-philosopher, Buddhist and Deep
Ecology activist/teacher.

Seo, Danny
Be the Difference: A Beginner's Guide to Changing the World
New Society Publishers ,224pp $18.95 Community Development
An energized primer for beginning activists on how to start their own
activist group, fund raise, gain media exposure, organise a protest, use
the internet as a tool for change, and make legislators listen - all
with a unique emphasis on activism for service and personal growth.

See the Anarres Books website for a full catalog and ordering details or

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Anarres Books
P.O. Box 150
East Brunswick Victoria  3057
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