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Defend Democratic Rights
Rally against the Secret Police
Say no to the Terror Laws

Rally: 12.30pm, Thursday, 2 May 2002
(details below)

The Federal Government wants dramatic new powers as part of it's "war on

The terror laws, if not blocked by the ALP in the Senate will

* allow the Attorney General to ban any organisation he says is "likely 
to endanger the security and integrity of the Commonwealth (Australia) 
or another country". If you're a member or supporter you can get 25 
years in jail;

* allow ASIO, Australia's secret police, to detain people incommunicado
without a right to a lawyer or contact with the outside world. People 
who exercise their right to silence and refuse to answer questions face 
5 years jail;

* allow the government to label some union activity, civil disobedience 
and other activism as terrorist with life imprisonment.

Fundamentally democratic rights are threatened by these laws, it is
crucially that the laws are opposed.

The Parliamentary Joint Committee on ASIO, DSD & ASIS is holding public
hearings in Melbourne on Thursday, May 2 9.30am-5pm as many people as
possible should attend. There will also be a rally outside at 12.30 pm.

12.30-1.30pm, Thursday, 2 May 2002
Dallas Brooks Convention and Function Centre
Masonic Centre of Victoria
300 Albert St, East Melbourne

Speakers include:

Dr. Jude McCulloch, Deakin University
Damien Lawson, Federation of Community Legal Centres
Pamela Curr, The Greens

For more information:

Damien Lawson, Federation of Community Legal Centres 0418 140 387

A list for information and action on the proposed terrorism laws in

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