[SYDNEY] No shortage of issues for May Day protesters

AAP | Published: Saturday April 27, 1:33 PM by Rebecca Glenn,4057,4211040%255E1702,00.html

Protesters target detention centres - 27apr02

CIVIL disobedience classes were today being held in Sydney ahead of planned 
May Day protests against a range of organisations, including the company 
that runs Australia's detention centres.

Activists from socialist youth group Resistance were planning a May 1 
"militant blockade" against the central Sydney offices of Australasian 
Correctional Management (ACM).

Offices of the World Bank, the Australian Stock Exchange, the Israeli 
Consulate, Prime Minister John Howard's office and state parliament would 
also be targeted in a march around the city after the blockade. Resistance 
activist Lauren Carroll Harris said there was a lot to protest against.

"It's become a struggle against so many things ... May 1 is a convergence 
of all these issues and in a sense we're protesting for a different world, 
one that puts people before profits and respects human rights, justice and 
equality for all," she said.

Ms Harris said the focus for Wednesday's protest would be the federal 
government's policy of mandatory detention, global capitalism and Israel's 
treatment of the Palestinian people.

She said today's training day would include legal rights briefings and 
civil disobedience techniques including blockading, megaphone use and tactics.

The group had also been liaising with police and expected a peaceful 
protest, she said.

"We've been in constant liaison with police and they know we're blockading 
ACM and marching around the city."

Sydney Central Resistance organiser Bronwyn Powell said Resistance members 
would draw inspiration from recent protests at the Woomera Detention centre 
in which fences were torn down and asylum seekers escaped.

"When injustice becomes law then resistance becomes duty.

"It's the Australian government who is breaking international human rights 
laws by persecuting defenceless asylum seekers," she said in a statement.

The blockade will begin at 7am on Wednesday, with protesters marching 
through the city the rest of the day.


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