The TCFUA Workers' Strength team invites you to a benefit screening of
Todd Solonz's (Happiness, Welcome to the Dollhouse) new film...


Tuesday, May 21, 7.30 pm
Cinema Nova
380 Lygon Street, Carlton

Come and support Michele O'Neil and the Workers' Strength team in their
bid to keep the TCFUA in the left's hands.

Tickets: $15 waged/$12 concession
Bookings essential
Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] or ring Andrea on 0403 483 595

The Workers' Strength team is running four candidates in the upcoming
elections of the Victorian Textile, Clothing and Footwear Union of

The Workers' Strength team is committed to a union which is democratic,
accountable, directed by its members and active in the fight for justice
and equality.

Please support the Workers' Strength team and keep the TCFUA in the
hands of those committed to fighting for workers' rights.


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