Do you want to come with us to Pine Gap for the big October 5-7 protest? If
you want more info email us or phone Steve Holdsworth on 93467977

The refugee community bus is rapidly being organised. Come to the weekly
organising meetings at our new 2nd Melbourne office, 6th floor, cnr
Flinders Lane and Swanston St - phone Nat on 0422920072 for details. Also
phone if you want to come on the bus or get the bus to visit your school,
college, workplace or shopping area. We are going all through Metro
Melbourne and regional Victoria.

The marxist educationals are on this week on Monday 8pm and Tuesday at
4.30pm -  phone 0408588586 for more info

The DSP have written us a letter on the issue of charges against Stephen
Jolly. We will send out this letter and our reply and suggestions for
mediation tomorrow

Don't forget the 2 excellent meetings coming up:
1 - Next weeks Socialist Party meeting (Tuesday 23rd July, 7pm at Trades
Hall) will be an introduction to young workers and anyone else on trade
Matt Wilson will cover issues such as: what is the ACTU and Trades Hall,
what are the key unions covering Australia's workers, which ones are
leftwing and rightwing, what are the main industrial laws covering workers,
what is the Occupational, Health and Safety legislation in Victoria, what
do you do as an activist if you are the only one pro-union in your
workplace, what's the balance between keeping your job and pushing unionism
etc etc.
Plenty of time for questions
Free handouts at meeting
Child care and transport available at all SP meetings, phone first on
96399111 if you need to avail of these services.

2 - The following Tuesday (30th July, 7pm, same venue) launch of our new
book on refugees, racism and Australian capitalism. Launched by Rod
Quantoch. Refreshments served. $5 per copy


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