* Welcome home SP member Larry Lawson. Arrested in Aceh for allegedly
filming Indonesian armed forces. In custody and interrogated for several
days. Arrived back at Melbourne Airport last night (Friday 23rd August).
Watch this space for more news from Larry

* All Leftlinkers are encouraged to attend AMWU picket line at 440
Elizabeth St, Melbourne CBD to support the militant local branch against
Doug Camoron's class collaborationist attacks. Please consider a sleep over
shift too.

* SP Branch Programme for next few weeks in Melbourne
Tuesday 27th August - Will US invade Iraq? Speaker Greg Bradshaw
Tuesday 3rd September - Howard's Attack on Women - Guest Speaker Margo
Northey, Co-ordinator Council Single Mothers and their Children
Tuesday 10th September - New Zealand Political Report - Speaker Rachel Kirby
Tuesday 17th September - PNG, Solomon Islands, Nauru etc; Australia's 
'Arc of Instability" Speaker to be announced
Tuesday 24th September - Kashmir on the brink - Speaker Denise Dudley
Tuesday 3rd October - What is Political Art? Speakers Natalie Lowrey and
Erin Sales

All meetings at 7pm Trades Hall, cnr Lygon and Victoria Sts, Carlton South.
All meetings have child care. Ring 96399111 or 96503300 if you need it
(Ballarat branch meetings are every Friday at 5pm at the Irish Murphy 
pub, Sturt St following the 3pm stall at the mall).

* The Refugee Community Bus which SP is helping with is going great 
guns. We have a Hip Hop gig fundraiser on Saturday September 28th and 2 
auctions in October (more info on them soon).
The Ballarat/Orbost/Daylesford tour is from Monday September 16th to 
Friday September 20th. The Gippsland tour is the following week. 
Melbourne Metro area is being done now. If you want a visit email us or 
phone 96503300.
Organising meetings every Friday at 5pm at our new second Melbourne 
office (phone 96503300 for details).

* Stephen Jolly's case goes to a contested mention date on Wednesday
September 18th at the Melbourne Magistrates Court. The trial proper is 
to begin later this year or early next year. Mick Heaney, the alleged 
accused has two witnesses - the Victorian Police informant Andrew Bowen 
and DSP member Bob Lewis. Unfortunately our attempts to get this sorted 
outside of the capitalist courts look like having failed and we will be 
going for broke for a legal victory. Our lawyers are Robert Stary (the 
same lawyers used by the Skilled Six campaign).

* The branch voted 31-0 last week (Tueday 20th) to assist a fellow left
wing group (Socialist Alliance) achieve electoral registration. The SP
National Executive Committee discussed and did not oppose the decision.
All left wing/progressive organisations face undemocratic electoral laws 
in Australia that mean they must have 500 registered members in order to 
get their name on the electoral roll. It is important we work together 
to overcome these impediments. Of course this decision is in no way 
changes our political analysis of SA or our own political position on 
the need for a new workers' party in Australia.

Note: All Victorian SP members and supporters on the electoral roll are
asked to phone Melbourne Branch Secretary Denise Dudley on 0403892605 in
get the necessary paper work.



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