Yes, once I noticed the washers it was evident that the split nut
wasn't lined up with the lead screw well at all. The Y-axis lead screw
bracket was obviously bent, most likely from shipping damage. All I
did was straighten it out; it just needed a little straightening. It
sounds worse than it was.

I made a large 3-start rope twist column (well, my largest anyway)
today that was 4 feet long and 5" diameter (6.5" pitch IIRC).
Everything worked great and I'm really happy with the overall results.
I had some very slight misalignment somewhere that created a little
ridge where one start meets the next, but that's likely from hitting
some knots in the wood causing the bit depth to jump a little bit.

I think everything is setup properly now. Everything feels right, and
I'm amazed at how much easier the machine is to use than I expected.

Thanks everyone for the most excellent help in getting me set up and


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