hers's what I remember from my inquiries regarding the Legacy rail... it 
is/was proprietary, back in the day Legacy was making the manual 
machines... i.e. you could not buy it, even if you knew who the 
manufacturer was... Legacy eventually discontinued using that rail, and 
switched to a more common, commercially available rail(possibility the rail 
that is available from the 80?20 company)… what I heard was that the 
original rail supplier was charging Legacy a "storage" and "maintenance" 
fee for the dies that were made exclusively for Legacy... Legacy decided to 
not pay the fees(which were exorbitant, if my memory is correct)… so the 
dies were destroyed... can't say for sure if all of this story is accurate, 
but I believe other group members could make some comments here regarding 
this specific situation... not sure if Legacy would so forthcoming to give 
legal permission to manufacture some parts for their earlier machines, but 
then again, would it be a viable business for someone to make that kind of 
investment... and would anyone really need permission to make a couple of 
items...  it is more than just making the parts, there is advertising, 
marketing, etc., etc.... there is a very good reason why Legacy decided to 
shut it down... we in this group are die hard Legacy mill enthusiasts... 
and would probably cross a desert for a "Z" axis upgrade accessory, LOL!... 
but that is just a handful of people... with all the talk lately of split 
nuts, I made about 15 pieces a while back and it was suggested that if 
anyone needed one, they could contact me... well, no one contacted me!, 
LOL!... so what is the actual market out there for Legacy parts and/or 
accessories... even the railing... a minimum extrusion run might be a 
thousand feet(or more!)… at what cost?... and how long to sell that much 
railing?... packaging and shipping... it's complicated, for sure... and 
others have made a very good point of "keeping it in the family", so to 
speak... if Legacy is willing to continue making the parts that they do 
make now, then let's give the orders to them so there is an incentive for 
them to continue... I might assume that they are not making killer profits 
on those sales, and they are doing it to help support what is out there in 
regards to there older equipment... just some thoughts and comments... 
haven't commented for quite a while, but I do read all the posts... have 
not used my machine in a year or so...  business stinks, in regards to what 
I would need the Legacy for... hope all is well with everyone out in Legacy 
Land!... Joe Biunno


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