There is a legacy video out there somewhere showing how to do a pineapple 




<> On Behalf Of Tim Ziegler
Sent: Saturday, 12 December 2020 4:35 PM
Subject: Re: Code Used for the Legacy CNC Upgrade Kit


Might have to consult the Guru Mike Pung???? I've heard him call some work he 
did Pineapple too?

Kind Regards,


Timothy J. Ziegler

Ziegler WoodWork & Specialty

14171 160th Ave.

Foreston MN 56330


320-294-5798 shop

320-630-2243 cell



On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 9:25 PM Tracy Smith < 
<> > wrote:

I'm sure I picked up the terms brick and pineapple pattern from somewhere. I'm 
not that creative :)


On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 8:22 PM Tracy Smith < 
<> > wrote:

Spot on Bill!


On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 8:11 PM < 
<> > wrote:

They look like brick patterns to me will see what Tracy says




<> > On Behalf Of Ray Leaman
Sent: Saturday, 12 December 2020 1:31 PM
Subject: Re: Code Used for the Legacy CNC Upgrade Kit


Those are some great turnings Tracy.  In the pic with the 3 stacks of spindles, 
is there a name for the patterns of the top 1 & 2 of the middle stack; and the 
3rd and 4th from the top in the stack on the right?  Those are really 
interesting.  They also look complicated.


Also, in an earlier post you mentioned that the previous owner of your 1200 
with the CNC Upgrade had gotten Legacy to rewire the unit with CAT 5 replacing 
the original wiring.  Any idea how hard that would be to do or have done today? 
 Probably need a PhD in Electrical Engineering I'm guessing.


Thanks for the pics.




On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 3:05 PM Tracy Smith < 
<> > wrote:

Here are some links to the posts I made a couple years ago:





I've included a couple pictures of the work I did that was specific to the CNC 




On Fri, Dec 11, 2020 at 9:40 AM Ray Leaman < 
<> > wrote:

Thanks for the additional information Tracy.  It helps a lot with understanding 
what it would take to install then operate the CNC Upgrade.  Good to know it 
was powerful enough to handle what seems like a good test on some fairly large 
projects.  I wish you luck with your 2000 machine although it doesn't seem like 
you will need it given your IT knowledge and experience with the upgrade on 
your 1200 already..  I'm sure you will have a lot of fun getting the CNC 
Upgrade resituated. and operating.


With regard to the "Archives"  for this site...I've searched but all I come up 
with is the email stream for the site.  Is that what you are talking about or 
is there an actual archive with topic search capability?


Again.  Thanks for your time.






On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 11:41 PM Tracy Smith < 
<> > wrote:

Hi Ray,


Sorry it has taken so long to respond.  It has been pretty crazy at work this 
last week.


Once I got everything tuned in, I was very happy. If you search for the word 
"gazebo" in the group archive, you will find some of my posts and pictures I 
shared about 2 years ago. I made about 70% of the spindles for my project and 
expect to finish the rest in 2021. I made over 150 spindles that were about 
1x1x12 with 20 different designs. I also made a few balusters that were about 
4x4x30. I made most of the baluster using a model 1500 before I found the CNC 
upgraded machine. I also made 8 6x6x7' posts for my project. There was a lot of 
variety and I had a lot of fun.


I'm looking forward to getting back into it next year but, honestly, a bit 
nervous about figuring out how to use everything again.


I found the CNC upgrade to work great and have plenty of power. I actually 
jimmy-rigged a 12"+ extension on my machine to work on the 7 foot posts. It had 
no problem turning it. Even though the machine can handle larger parts, that 
was the largest part I tried on the machine. I found the frame of the model 
1200 to be a bit shaky. The CNC upgrade is quite heavy and when the machine 
really starts working, I would intentionally slow it down to minimize the 
wobble.There was some slight drift when changing directions that was only 
noticeable when I was doing the smaller spindles and with a much finer design. 
I got around this by modifying the gcode to always work from one direction 
instead of going back and forth. This is where my IT background was nice. For 
example, by default the initial cut was made going down the part and the final 
cut on the return. Changing directions caused a slight shift that could be seen 
on the part.


This last summer I got a great deal on a model 2000. My plan is to retrofit the 
CNC upgrade on the model 2000 but this discussion over the last few weeks makes 
me wonder if the motor that rotates the parts (A axis) will be strong enough if 
I ever put much large parts on it. I think it would be fun to try and do a cool 
design on a 12x12 long post. Who knows if that will happen. My primary reason 
for wanting to do this is because of the wobble I experienced on the 1200. The 
reality is the wobble isn't horrible and you could work just fine by slowing 
things down or creating a stronger base. I haven't done that. The model 2000 is 
a far more solid frame. Again, we'll see. 


Again, apologies for the long delay. Things have calmed down so other replies 
won't take so long.




On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 7:35 PM Ray Leaman < 
<> > wrote:

Thanks again for the feedback.  Answered a number of questions I had.  Now I 
understand why they said the computer used should not be on line (i.e, the WiFi 
issue).  Glad you were able to get the CNC Upgrade to still operate properly 
using  newer versions of Mach and Windows. 


It seems overall that getting things calibrated was a bit finicky. I was 
wondering how the run limits for the X,Y,Z, and A axis were set.  I can see why 
it would  be useful to have a background in IT.


Wanted to ask how you found the overall operation of the system once everything 
was calibrated for running a project?.  What projects did you 
run(flat/round/combo)? Were the stepper motors muscular enough for your 
applications?  How was the speed of the operation (both run and return)?  Any 
other observations on overall operations?


Thank you again for taking the time to respond.




On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 10:48 PM Tracy Smith < 
<> > wrote:



Your summary sounds pretty accurate. The key things that I remember giving me 
problems were:

*       Configuring the right IP address in the Ethernet setup
*       On my laptop, I had to disable wireless after things were set up or it 
would not work (this took a while to figure out)
*       Tuning the settings to make sure the programs knew the setup for the 
1200.  Setup in this case means: dimensions of the cutting area, tuning the 
stepper motors for accurate measurements, start and end positions on all axes 
(X,Y,Z,A). I ruined a nice bit when I ran it into my headstock on the mill 
because this was not setup and tested correctly :(.

Not too long after I got the CNC Upgraded 1200, I got a Legacy Explorer CNC at 
a great price. I've only used that a little so far but I was able to get the 
same computer for the Explorer to talk to and run the CNC Upgraded 1200.  I 
only bring that up because the version of Windows and the version of Mach were 
all quite a few years newer and I was still able to get it to work with the 
older CNC setup. Patient troubleshooting and tuning was the key for me. I was 
not on a deadline and enjoyed figuring it out. So, even though it took a while, 
it wasn't frustrating.


One other advantage I had was the person I bought the CNC upgraded 1200 from 
had taken the control box, that originally came with the CNC upgrade, to Legacy 
and had them replace the old parallel cable with a new CAT5 cable. That just 
meant it was a lot easier to plug into a modern computer. I'm sure most control 
boxes that would have come with the original CNC upgrade would still have the 
old cables and ports - which would create challenges to connect to a computer 


I also was able to take the 2 day course Legacy offers on how to run a CNC. 
That was pretty cool and tons of what I learned there, although tailored to the 
current CNCs, was still very relevant to the CNC upgraded 1200.


Again, hope this is helpful.




On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 8:03 PM Ray Leaman < 
<> > wrote:

Thanks for picking up on this post Tracy.  Your comments is definitely helpful.


I was looking to find out what software Legacy used for the upgrade kit when 
they put it out.  Given how long ago that software came out and how fast 
software development moves I wondered if someone had found an update that was 
compatible with or run the CNC upgrade system.  I was fishing in other words. 


Since my earlier post my research turned up a little more on what I was 
seeking. Legacy used an OM5 Control Software and as you indicated 
Conversational Cam. Users needed to download an Install Program to a desktop 
(their recommendation at the time; 32 bit version) from 
<> .  Then you needed to download a Mach3exe.file 
from Legacy's site, and save that directly into the Mach3/folder. To complete 
the installation properly it was necessary to download three (3) more files: 
Performance OM5 RevC.set; Performance Screen Sets folder; and Performance CNC 


Finally the software operating System for the OM5 interface was Microsoft 
Windows XP; Vista; or Windows 7.  Apparently this was also used for their Arty 
and Artisan units back when they first started coming out.


I'm not sure if the software is or is not the same for the Standard and 
Performance CNC Upgrade Kits.


I am not an IT guy.  Does the above sound correct given your understanding?






On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 7:14 PM Tracy Smith < 
<> > wrote:

Hi Ray,


What do you mean by "what code was used"? 


Legacy uses the software Conversational Cam to design the spindles and that 
program creates the Gcode for the CNC machines. This (Conversational Cam) is 
unique to Legacy. The Gcode is then loaded into Mach 3 (or other versions) and 
Mach 3 is what processes the Gcode to drive the CNC. When I got my CNC 
Performance Upgraded model 1200, I spent about 2 weeks fiddling with it to get 
it to work. It was hours looking at very old web forums and lots of careful 
trial and error. I'm an IT guys so for me it was a lot of fun and I was very 
happy when I got everything working. It was definitely a challenge and there 
was little that was straightforward about it. The biggest problem was figuring 
out how to get modern software to be aware of and talk to the "old" Legacy CNC 
machine. I couldn't coach someone on how to repeat what I did. I would have to 
go through and figure it all out again. I did a ton of spindle work once I got 
it all working but it's been over 1.5 years since I did anything.  I plan to do 
more work next year so will I will be forced to refresh myself on the process.


I am happy to help if I can but be prepared :).


Regarding question 2, I believe technically, you could use any software that 
produces gcode. There is a different to doing CNC work on a flat surface as 
compared to a round rotating surface. I would image you could buy the current 
version of Conversational Cam from Legacy and it would still create workable 
gcode for you. The challenge will be the tools used to process the gcode and 
actually "talks" to your machine.


I hope that helps.





On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 8:37 AM Ray Leaman < 
<> > wrote:

Do any users of the CNC Performance Upgrade Kit here know what code was used at 
the time the kit was sold initially?


Secondly, is that kit's software updatable for compatibility with say today's 
CAM/CAD or other software packages?


In other words can the original kit software be updated? 



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